From the group exhibition “The Bold and The Beautiful.” 

Edmond de Rothschild Center, Tel Aviv
August 05 – September 16 8, 2022 




In July 2019, a news story emerged on a local community news website titled “The dove that refuses to leave the Jabaliya Mosque in Jaffa.” The entire article revolved around an incident in which a dove had flown into the Jabaliya Mosque, located in the Jabaliya neighbourhood (Givat Aliya) in southern Jaffa. This dove ended up making its nest on one of the air conditioning units within the mosque, laying eggs that eventually hatched into chicks. Despite the mosque’s muezzin’s numerous attempts to coax the dove out, including relocating its chicks to the mosque’s balcony, the bird remained resolutely inside the mosque, finding refuge for itself and its offspring in the prayer area. This situation was also documented in a video accompanying the article.

“Project II” is an art installation composed of a podium inspired by the pulpit used for sermons in mosques and a video created by appropriating and manipulating content from the “Yafa 48” news site. This video is displayed on two screens connected to the podium, with these screens adorned with cutouts resembling Solomon’s seal; a symbol associated with King Solomon in the mystical traditions of both Islamic and Jewish mysticism, particularly during the Middle Ages. Over time, this symbol evolved into the Star of David, which later became emblematic of the Zionist movement.

According to tradition, King Solomon’s ring bearing this symbol granted him the power to command demons and communicate with animals.

Curator: Meital Aviram


“The Bold and the Beautiful,” Installation view at EDR Center.

2 – 3

II, 2022. Stills from video.