Muhammad Toukhy, based in Haifa.
b. 1999, Jaffa


  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (Summa cum laude)
    University of Haifa, 2021

  • Film and Digital Media – Master of Fine Arts  (in progress)
    University of Tel Aviv

Grants and awards


  • Al Markaz Gallery Award for an art student


  • Best graduation exhibition award, University of Haifa


  • AICF Creative Excellence Grant (Sharett)


  • The Walid Abu Shakra Prize for a young artist

Selected Group Exhibitions



  • “Tawasol”
    • Umm El Fahem Art Gallery
    • Curator: Doaa Badran



  • “The Bold and the Beautiful”
    • EdR Center, Tel Aviv
    • Curator: Meital Aviram


  • “A Simple Response to An Elemental Message”
    • Ta’ar Gallery, Tel Aviv
    • Curators: Omer Sheizaf, Yoav Weinfeld


Solo Exhibitions


  • “Epiphany”
    • Kupferman Collection House, Lohamei Hagetaot
    • Curator: Avi Lubin


  • “The Forbidden”
    • Wannsee Contemporary, Berlin
    • Curator: Avi Feldman